Curriculum Information


Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Years 8 and 9 are taught in eight classes which are split into two bands: K band and W band.  Year 7 are taught in nine classes which are split into three bands: K, W and Z. In Design and Technology, classes are split up further to make smaller groups to facilitate safe practical work. Some students follow a basic skills programme and there is a designated special educational needs group who attend English and Mathematics lessons in our Learning Zone to ensure that students are given any additional support they need to fully reach their potential. Furthermore, EAL students receive additional lessons of bespoke support from our dedicated EAL department to allow them to access the curriculum. SMSC and British Values are delivered at KS3 during Drama, Dance, our tutorial programme, assemblies and enrichment activities.

The majority of staff are teaching their specialism.

The curriculum has been regularly revised over the last few years as the National Curriculum has changed. At Key Stage 3, students follow a three-year course which includes the following subjects:


There are between 8 and 10 classes in each year group at Key Stage 4. Setting takes place within Mathematics and Science. All other subjects are taught within mixed ability classes. Four option blocks are taught across each year groups. Students also continue to study Physical Education throughout KS4. Students receive one Personal Development lesson per fortnight in which they receive ICT, Careers, RE and RSE lessons.

Additional work related learning/careers education opportunities for all year groups take place throughout the year. Students have regular assemblies with local further education establishments and employers who visit school and inform students of potential opportunities. Parents and carers are also invited to our annual careers event which provides students with the opportunity to find out more about potential careers and future pathways.
