Parent/Carer Communication

Parental Communication and Engagement

The ClassCharts app is the way in which most of our communications will be delivered. It is important that all students and parents/carers install the app and access it regularly. Important information and messages will be passed on using this system, as well as updates on your child’s progress and conduct in school, including information on behaviour, attendance, and their termly academic reports. This information is extremely important in enabling you to monitor how your child is doing in school, and we ask that you contact your child’s Head of Year if you experience any problems accessing ClassCharts.

In addition to the above, we will have the opportunities shown in the table for you to receive feedback and information about your child’s education, and we strongly encourage you to attend.

The Parents’ Evening dates are the calendared opportunity for you to have direct contact with your child’s teachers. The Coffee Mornings are less formal and allow us to invite you into school to see some samples of your child’s work, whilst also helping us to raise money for our local charity - The Charlie & Carter Foundation. More information will be sent out prior to the events.

However, if at any time you have any questions, concerns, or praise, or would like to speak to any member of staff at the school, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0191 456 6511. Likewise, if a teacher ever has any specific concerns about your child’s progress, or they would like to pass on their praise, they will be in touch with you at any time throughout the school year when needed.

